JANUARY 12, 2025
The Sunday School Resource Library is your access to weekly lessons, weekly scriptures, and key word definitions to assist with understanding the Sunday School Lessons.
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
Who is God? What is Love in a family? How do we keep the family together?
1. ANGELS OF GOD: Refers to heavenly beings, considered messengers of Light/God.
2. BAPTIZE: to be ceremonially washed, dipped or immerse from below or above. A form of spiritually cleansing or conversion by baptism into the faith.
3. BLOOD: A sacrifice of life. A Life force spilled to indicate life is given for life.
4. COMPREHENDED: To realize, grasp and fully understand.
5. FIG TREE: A fruit-producing plant that could be either a tall tree or a low-spreading shrub
6. FLESH: the natural state but temporary state humans.
7. IN THE BEGINNING: At the start of something
8. JOHN: -God is gracious. One of the twelve disciples of Jesus. Also the name of the son of Zebedee and Elizabeth surname John the Baptist.
9. KING OF ISRAEL: A title once held by the leader of the sovereign province of Israel. Later a puppetappointment made by Ceasar of one over a specific area in the area of Palestine.
10. LAMB OF GOD: Refers to Jesus Christ as the perfect sacrificial offering for the sins of humanity, drawing a parallel to the Passover lamb sacrificed in Jewish tradition, signifying that Jesus is the ultimate atonement for sin through his death on the cross; John the
Baptist proclaims Jesus as the "Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world".
(Verse 29)
11. LIFE: Refers to the source of all life, both physical and spiritual, signifying that Jesus is the origin of creation and the giver of eternal life.
12. LIGHT OF MEN: Jesus Christ as the source of creation (Gen 1) and separation from darkness.
13. LIGHT: Something that illuminates (provides sight, revelation) and also dispels darkness.
14. SHOE’S LACHET: Refers to the leather strap or thong that fastened a sandal to the foot.
15. SON OF GOD: Refers to Jesus Christ, presented as a divine being who is eternally with God the Father, essentially meaning that Jesus is God incarnate, fully divine and fully human, existing alongside God from the beginning of creation.
16. SONS OF GOD: Essentially meaning they have the status of "children of God" signifying a spiritual rebirth (Holy Ghost) and a close relationship with God.
17. TENTH HOUR: Refers to roughly 4pm in the afternoon, according to Jewish timekeeping.
18. WILL OF MAN: Natural phenomena believed to be the result of human activity.
19. WITNESS OF THAT LIGHT: Refers to John the Baptist.
20. WORD: The divine nature of God taking form and performing (Logos). It is not a grammatical expression.
21. Incarnation: The embodiment of a deity or spirit in some earthly form.
22. Darkness: The domain of Chaos. Without sight, and operates and performs with there is no Light.
23. Elias: Also known as Elijah, then ancient prophet of Israel caught up in a whirlwind
(2 Kings 2:11).
24. Guile: Deceitful, cunning, manipulative, and treacher.